Wednesday, 12 February 2025

First Lagash Regiments.

 Well thought I'd see how well my phone works for miniature picks as my camera looks like it has past on.

Off to buy a new one 😒

This is the first Lagash Regiments. Some skirmishing with Javelins others Bows, three Regiments of Spear, Guard with two handed Axes and the General.

The Bowmen doing their Job

The spearmen poking around really big shields.

The Guard. 
Who needs shields when you have really big axes and know how to use them.

Interested to see how these photos work out. 
Next will be the Umma Army. They even have a Regiment of Battle carts!

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Bronze Age Campaign

Age of Onagers

After a move and a lot of running around, I've begun assembling a long term Fictional Historical Campaign.  Beginning in Bronz age Sumer at approximately 2,400 BC. 

Or what I'm naming 1 SY. 

The rules have been designed as solo beginning with 6 major Cities.

This project is the product being gifted a copy of Tony Baths "Setting up a Wargames campaign" 50 years ago followed by many fun games of WRG 6th. Dear 13-year-old self, I look like finally making it.


Hopefully a quickly drawn map should appear below. 

The Diplomacy is all set to automatic though the first conflict has been set as a border dispute between Umma and Lagash. I intend to set up the royal houses while awaiting the arrival of the rest of my Sumerian figures. Just started painting my 12th regiment. Must dig out my camera, not that my painting skills are worth celebrating. :)

Tactical rules

After wrestling between my preferred rules, including creating a faster version of WRG 6th, I finally decided to create my own, owing much to the Lions Rampant and One page rules.  They are called "Galloping Onagers", are very simple and provide the flexibility to match any of the random scenarios I end up with, (even if that is just "meeting engagement"). 
Well I plan this as my final Wargame adventure. Hopefully it will eventually stretch to Egypt.