Saturday, 23 March 2019

The first two Brigades almost complete.

Brigadier General Bielke.
Commander of the 1st Struddlhiem Brigade.

The Cabernet Regiment.
Fighting for the honor of Alsace.

Struddlhiem's Liv Garde.


  1. The Life Guard in yellow and red is a sharp looking regiment. Good Job on both!

  2. A fine looking pair of regiments. I misread the first as the "Cabernet" regiment as first, and was thinking that the quarterly devices did seem a bit reminiscent of wine bottle labels, LOL!

    1. Oh yes they have that old Red influence Gonsalvo!

  3. Looking good. Nice job. 😀
    Gonna have a look around you’re blog now. I see you have an ACW label, I love the ACW..

    1. Thanks Stew. My ACW got stalled by a lack of fortified terrain. Now that's fixed I've got other projects swamping me. Must get back!

  4. Congratulations, wonderful work, it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.
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